by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
You know the song Escape by Rupert Holmes? If you like pina coladas…and getting caught in the rain… I had always thought of it as a fun, cheesy summer time song that would pop up on the oldies station. I hadn’t ever really paid attention to the lyrics. ...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
31 discussion topics to get you on the road to better intimacy. One way we build intimacy and connection is to be able to share important/deeper parts of ourselves with our partner and for them to be able to truly hear us when we do. This exercise can be done daily...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
This week, my midtown Sacramento office was featured on Fresh Practice Design. Fresh Practice Design lets you peak into therapists’ offices across the country. I am a regular reader–I love seeing the diverse decor choices and hearing from therapists...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
I was listening to a TED Talk a few months ago about decision-making. With the heaps of information and options available to us on a day-to-day basis, we can get paralyzed by indecisiveness as we look to make the “perfect” or “right” decision. Aziz Ansari shares often...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
Are you having trouble sleeping? Are racing thoughts keeping you up? Do you just want to tell your brain to shut up and give you a break already? You might be worried about something coming up on the horizon, thinking through different scenarios and hoping things turn...