Signs Your Teen is Ready for Therapy
Most of us probably remember the years 13-19 as a very confusing time in our lives. Maybe we had our first relationships, gained and lost friends, figured out our favorite (and least favorite) subjects in school, and started thinking about what we wanted to do as...
Roe v. Wade Overturn & Mental Health Trauma
Whether you have been following the Supreme Court’s decisions closely or not, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the decision to overturn the ruling of Roe v. Wade (the 1973 lawsuit that declared abortion a constitutional right. You may have seen articles describing the...
Are You Hypervigilant? What It Is and How to Cope
Being alert in an environment — especially a dangerous or hostile one — is a survival skill we are all mentally conditioned to do. This heightened state can help us to pick up on small details and cues that can help us to stay safe. But, when this state becomes the...
Coping with Unemployment Depression
Losing a job is incredibly difficult. No matter the cause of the loss, it can leave us feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and even ashamed. We may feel like something is wrong with us or that we aren’t good enough. These feelings and this incredibly hard situation can...
Supporting Someone You Care About Who Has Been Sexually Abused
What are you supposed to do when someone you love reaches out to confide in you — to tell you that they have been sexually assaulted? This can be an incredibly challenging and stressful situation not only for the person who has shared their experience with you but...
How to Cope When You Feel Left Out
We’ve all missed out on at least one hang-out, event, or inside joke at some point in our lives. There are simply too many things to do and too little time to do them. This is a normal part of life, but just because it’s happened to all of us doesn’t mean that it...
Unhappy Relationships & Your Mental Health
Everyone has their happy moments and their unhappy moments. This is simply life. As much as we all wish it were true, there is no other person in the world who can make you happy all of the time. We fight with the ones we love, often because we love them. This is the...
How to Cope with Jealousy
We have a wide range of emotions as humans. Some are considered to be good emotions (like happiness and gratitude) and others are often considered negative (such as anger and jealousy). In reality, though, all of these emotions are simply part of how we process the...
Why Roe v. Wade Terrifies Queer Families
Whether you are just starting your family or you have been a proud member of your family for years now, you would do anything to protect that family. Some people may think that this only means working hard to provide food and shelter and stay faithful to your loved...
How to Adopt a Growth Mindset
Do you ever feel stuck or like you’ve hit a roadblock in moving towards personal goals? It can feel incredibly frustrating and defeating, even seeming like you may never be able to reach what you’re pushing towards. What if I told you that changing something as small...
Self Care as a Gift
Being human can just be so hard. We are complex creatures. The demands of life can be enormous, complex, and overwhelming. You might be someone who gives everything to others, committed to showing up for others, to always do your best. Maybe you’re the one people...
Coping with Political Rage & Stress
We’ve all had that one conversation with a family member or friend about politics that leaves us feeling fired up and angry. Some of us may have these types of feelings every time we go home for a holiday or whenever we open our social media feeds and see an old...
How to Regulate Your Nervous System During a Panic Attack
You’re driving somewhere unfamiliar, people are honking at you, you’re lost, and you start to have trouble focusing (perfect timing, right?). You’re overwhelmed with the infinite tasks that work has dumped on you this week, and while panning over your to-do list, you...
Stress and Anxiety About Starting a New Job and How to Manage That
It can be so stressful starting a new job or even navigating going back to in person after the pandemic…anxious thoughts start spiraling through your head and take over. What if I’m not good enough? What if I make mistakes? Will I get along with my boss? Will I be...
What Causes Infidelity?
Before delving into the details of what causes infidelity in relationships (even happy ones), we need to understand what infidelity is. According to the Oxford learner’s dictionary, the word infidelity means “the act of not being faithful to your wife, husband or...
How To Talk To Your Teen About Therapy
A lot of people think of therapy as the last resort. They think that therapy is what you go to when you have no other choice. When someone makes you go to it. This is a common misconception that many of us have about therapy — even as adults. But this stigmatization...
How to Prepare for Couples Therapy
Couples seek couples therapy for a number of different reasons. Maybe you feel like you don’t know how to communicate anymore, maybe you have had a traumatic experience, or maybe you both simply think that there are things that you could both be doing better. ...
Sexual Context: What It Is and How You Can Use it to Improve Your Sex Life
Who remembers “the dress”? In 2015, a photo of a dress became a viral debate. Was it blue and black or was it gold and white? While we know now that the dress was blue and black, many people truthfully perceived that image to be of a white and gold dress. But how is...
Discomfort is Part of the Growth Process
(& no, I am not talking about the type of discomfort that puts you in dangerous situations) I am talking about the good kind of discomfort, such as life transitions (i.e. getting a new job, starting a new school), breaking unhealthy generational patterns, leaving...
Sexual Desire: Know Your Brakes & Accelerators
Let’s be honest, most of us don’t exactly like talking about sex. It can make many of us uncomfortable and we are raised in our society to keep our preferences, experiences, and concerns about sex private from pretty much everyone — sometimes even our partners. And...
Is My Partner a Narcissist?
The word “narcissism” comes from the Greek story of Narcissus, a hunter who fell in love with his own reflection. Now, while this story of Narcissus is a fun piece of Greek mythology, being in a relationship with someone with a narcissistic personality can be anything...