2430 K St, Sacramento, CA 95816 | 916-572-7412

When Everything’s Good, but Sex is Awkward


Make More Love: Intimacy Course

Sex is Awkward

You and your partner have a pretty strong relationship.

You can talk about most things, you handle conflict without blowing up at each other, and you support each other’s hopes and dreams.

There’s trust in the relationship and you feel comfortable opening up about anything…


Almost anything.

There’s an elephant in the room, though.

An elephant wearing lingerie.

Your sex life isn’t where either of you want it and you just don’t know how to talk about it.

Because it feels so…awkward.


You love your partner, but sex & intimacy isn’t where you want it to be.


You’re worried a kiss or long embrace might lead to sex—when (ugh!) you have like a million other things to do.

You cringe when your partner walks in on you naked.

You might think about initiating sex, but seconds later you’ve already talked yourself out of it.

You’re tired of dodging your partner’s advances, of zoning out while you’re making love, of seeing the pain of rejection on your partner’s face (oh, the guilt!)


You know…hope…think?…it can be better than this.

But you feel awkward and nervous talking about it.

You’re worried the part of you that used to enjoy sex is slowly dying inside.

You want it to be better. You just don’t know where to start.

What if your sex life could make your heart flutter, your body tingle and your toes curl?

Wake up from a sex dream and turn to your partner for some action.

Be the one who can't wait to hop into bed on your anniversary (and your birthday...and Friday afternoon, just because.)

Catch yourself fantasizing on your lunch break as you replay the great sex you had the night before.

Your body is wired for pleasure and connection.

My Make More Love: Intimacy Course will help you get there!

sexual fulfillment course

$297.00Add to cart

In this course, you will:

Get clear on what you need for better sex and confidently discuss your desires with your partner.

So that you can have the mind-blowing and heart-filling sex you’ve always dreamed of.

Stop getting so stuck in your head, distracted, and judgy with yourself.

So you can be in the moment and actually enjoy your body and the feeling of your partner’s touch.

Learn my secret tips to help you optimize your pleasure and desire.

So you will naturally move your partner to the top of your to-do list..

The sex education you wish you got in high school.

This Six-Week Course deep dives into the most important three ingredients to better love-making!


Week 1:

You’ll watch three short videos, complete two exercises and a survey to help you get the most out of this course.


Week 2:

You’ll focus on the foundation of great intimacy: COMMUNICATION. Two videos and two handouts provide you with hours of bonding experience around sex that you can return to for years to come.


Week 3:

You’ll begin our focus on CONNECTION.  4 videos and 4 exercise handouts get you well on your way to feeling more connected to your partner (and yourself!).


Week 4: 

You’ll continue working on CONNECTION and turn it up a few notches.  The most life-changing week of the 6 in my opinion, I introduce the BEST way to up pleasure, increase desire, be a better lover, and just all around have better sex.  One longer form video lesson and detailed exercise handouts.


Week 5:

You’ll learn more about what keeps intimacy exciting year after year in the week of CAPTIVATION. A video and handout get you started on planning for (and having!) better, more thrilling sex.


Week 6:

Climax and Closure… Don’t just turn over and fall asleep, you’ve completed the program and are well on your way to years of better intimacy.  One video and two conversation prompts close out the course.

sexual fulfillment course

$297.00Add to cart

For $297, you receive instant-access to 6 weeks of videos, tips, and exercises to help you make more love with better intimacy!



When my therapy clients come to me for sex therapy, it often takes 8-10 sessions for them to receive all the information provided for you instantly in this course.



(At $200 an appointment, that’s $2000 of therapy!)



Additionally, for a limited time, I am offering direct access to me, your intimacy coach, up to two times during the three months following your purchase of the course.



After purchasing the course and when you need additional support, simply send me your question via email and I will respond directly to your question on Instagram (your name omitted of course!).



How can I afford to give so much information and support for only $297?



I truly believe that better intimacy is FOUNDATIONAL to happier, healthier lives and relationships.  In hard times like now, we NEED better connection to get through.  



My hope is that with this psychoeducation and self-help resource, I reach many many more folx needing help connecting intimately than I could ever support in the 1-to-1 or 1-to-2 model of therapy.

Join us in the Make More Love: Intimacy Course Today!

sexual fulfillment course

$297.00Add to cart

Megan Negendank, Couples Psychotherapist and Sex Therapist

Hi, I’m Megan Negendank.

I’m a long-time couples therapist, certified sex therapist, and owner of a relationship counseling center.

I’ve helped literally thousands of people have better intimacy.

Now in the Make More Love: Intimacy Course, I help couples like you have heart-fluttering, body-tingling sex.

I think we NEED emotional and physical connection for our relationships to thrive.
And I’m obsessed with helping you get there.

Love Heal Grow Therapists
Filter & Find Your Match

Megan Negendank, LMFT, CST Founder (she/her)

Megan Negendank, LMFT, CST Founder (she/her)

CEO & Founder | 450 per session | Not accepting clients
Madison Hamzy, LMFT (she/her)

Madison Hamzy, LMFT (she/her)

Therapist & Assistant Director | 250 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Intimate Connection & Less Stress, Men with ED or ADHD, People who get stuck in their heads and worry a lot
Natalie Delfin, LCSW (she/they)

Natalie Delfin, LCSW (she/they)

Therapist & Assistant Director | 200 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, More Pleasurable Sex, Learning to express feelings, CNM & Kink, QTBIPOC, Couples with differing sexual desires
Rachel Cloud, LCSW (she/her)

Rachel Cloud, LCSW (she/her)

Therapist & Clinical Supervisor | 220 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Healing from Abuse & Betrayal, Queer & Trans Identity, People who care deeply and are told they are "too much" | Waitlist Only
Ann Marie McKnight, LMFT (she/her)

Ann Marie McKnight, LMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 250 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Grief & Loss, Childhood Emotional Neglect, Family Therapy for Parents & Adult Children
Jessie Regan, LMFT (she/her)

Jessie Regan, LMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 270 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Eating Disorders & Body Image, Healing from Infidelity, Discernment & Divorce
Linda Rolufs, LMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Linda Rolufs, LMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Therapist | 240 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Anxiety & OCD, Menopausal and post-menopausal women wanting more pleasure in sex, Women who feel invisible
Ashley Barnes, LMFT (she/her)

Ashley Barnes, LMFT (she/her)

Therapist & Assistant Director | 200 per session | Not accepting clients
Lindsay Glass, LMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Lindsay Glass, LMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Therapist | 200 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy | Not Accepting Clients
Maegan Tanner, AMFT (she/her)

Maegan Tanner, AMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 180 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Stress & Burnout, LGBTQ+, People who judge themselves a lot
Susan DuBay, LMFT (she/they)

Susan DuBay, LMFT (she/they)

IFS Therapist | 225 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Communication & Intimacy, LGBTQ+, Folks wanting to go deep in their trauma work
Emily Alampi, AMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Emily Alampi, AMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Therapist | 180 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Queer & Trans, Neurodivergent Relationship Challenges, People who feel like they don't fit in
Charisse Brass, AMFT (she/her)

Charisse Brass, AMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 170 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Emotional & Physical Connection, Stress & Burnout in Highly Productive People, Existential Angst & Life Meaning | Not accepting new clients
Joanna de Leon, AMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Joanna de Leon, AMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Therapist | 170 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Burnout & Pressure to be Successful, Immigrants & First Gen, Current & Former Athletes, People who Avoid Conflict
Flo Oliveira, AMFT (they/them)

Flo Oliveira, AMFT (they/them)

Sex Therapist | 170 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, QTBIPOC, More Pleasure in Sex, CNM & Kink Affirming, People worried about their porn-use & sexual behaviors
Maria Dimachkie, ACSW (she/her)

Maria Dimachkie, ACSW (she/her)

Trauma Therapist | 180 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Survivors of Trauma: Sexual Assault & Relationship Abuse; People who have been hurt by loved ones; People who question themselves a lot | Waitlist Only
Madilyn Schweikert, AMFT (she/her)

Madilyn Schweikert, AMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 180 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Communication & Intimacy, Betrayal & Infidelity, Couples with age gaps, Creatives & Sensitive People | Waitlist Only
Hannah Slicton-Williams, LMFT (she/her)

Hannah Slicton-Williams, LMFT (she/her)

Trauma Therapist | 200 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Healing from Trauma - Relationship Abuse, Violence, and Sexual Assault, Love after Trauma | Waitlist Only
Abby Hollandsworth, AMFT (she/they)

Abby Hollandsworth, AMFT (she/they)

Therapist | 160 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Communication & Intimate Connection, Anxiety-Depression-Anger, LGBTQ+, Religious Trauma & Grief | Waitlist Only
Ashlene Kaur (she/her)

Ashlene Kaur (she/her)

Therapist | Sliding Scale (100-140 per session) | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Connection & Intimacy, Perfectionism & Low Self-Esteem, Cultural Pressure & Relationship with Parents | Waitlist Only
Liza Haroldson, LCSW (she/her)

Liza Haroldson, LCSW (she/her)

Therapist | 240 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Disconnected & Bickering Couples, Depleted & Exhausted Working Moms, Low Self Esteem, Trauma & Anxiety
Justine Marine, AMFT (she/her)

Justine Marine, AMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 160 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Emotional & Physical Connection, Parenting, Trauma | Evenings & Weekends available
Jamie Silva, AMFT (she/her)

Jamie Silva, AMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 160 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Childhood and Adult Relationship Attachment Wounds, Emotional & Physical Connection | Evening & Weekends available
Love Heal Grow Relationship Therapy Center Sacramento

Free Relationship Therapy Starter Pack

*How to Find a Therapist

*What to Expect in Your First Appointment

*How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

*How to talk to your boss about going to therapy during the workday

*How to seek reimbursement for therapy from your PPO plan

*Over twenty pages of relationship and life stressor tips and exercises that it would usually take 10+ therapy sessions to cover.

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