2430 K St, Sacramento, CA 95816 | 916-572-7412
The cursive logo that reads "Love Heal Grow". We offer online couples therapy and marriage counseling in California. We can support you with virtual couples therapy from anywhere in the state. Contact an online couples counselor to learn how online couples counseling can help you!

Online Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling

Three photos show happy couples embracing and smiling at one another. One has a newborn with their mother and father, while the other two show couples holding each other close. This could symbolize the universal bonds that are made with the help of online couples therapy and marriage counseling in California. Contact an online marriage counselor to learn how online marriage counseling can help you!

Online Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling in California


It happened again.

You said the thing. Then, they reacted, and you two got caught in that painful pattern that leaves you both feeling disconnected, frustrated, and alone.

One of you has big feelings and big thoughts that you just (more than anything) want the other person to understand. If they did, wouldn’t they finally get it? Would they finally change, move towards you, and give you the connection and comfort you’ve been craving?

One of you just doesn’t know what to say.  It’s like your brain goes blank. In fact, you know your partner thinks you’re shut down and you don’t care. But why can’t they understand that you actually care SO MUCH?  That’s why you freeze up.  You’re so worried about getting it wrong, you’re worried you’ll never be enough.

Will this cycle ever stop?

Our online relationship counselors are here to help!

Thankfully, there are ways through the pain. Our counselors are here to support you to a place of deep connection, understanding, and acceptance.

Now that’s the love you’ve been looking for.


A trio of photos show three couples embracing one another with bright smiles, loving gestures. This could symbolize the joy of reconnecting with a partner after online couples therapy and marriage counseling in California. We offer support for couples hoping to improve their relationship with virtual couples therapy and other services.

California’s Online Relationship-Focused Counseling Center

Online Trauma-Informed Relationship Therapy For:








Online Anywhere in California

Our Therapists Specialize in:


Online Counseling for Relationships


























Love Heal Grow Therapists:

Joanna de Leon, AMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Joanna de Leon, AMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Therapist | 170 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Burnout & Pressure to be Successful, Immigrants & First Gen, Current & Former Athletes, People who Avoid Conflict
Emily Alampi, AMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Emily Alampi, AMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Therapist | 180 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Queer & Trans, Neurodivergent Relationship Challenges, People who feel like they don't fit in
Linda Rolufs, LMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Linda Rolufs, LMFT (Online Only, she/her)

Therapist | 240 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Anxiety & OCD, Menopausal and post-menopausal women wanting more pleasure in sex, Women who feel invisible
Ashlene Kaur (she/her)

Ashlene Kaur (she/her)

Therapist | Sliding Scale (100-140 per session) | Not accepting clients
Megan Negendank, LMFT, CST Founder (she/her)

Megan Negendank, LMFT, CST Founder (she/her)

CEO & Founder | 450 per session | Not accepting clients
Madilyn Schweikert, AMFT (she/her)

Madilyn Schweikert, AMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 180 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Communication & Intimacy, Betrayal & Infidelity, Couples with age gaps, Creatives & Sensitive People
Maegan Tanner, AMFT (she/her)

Maegan Tanner, AMFT (she/her)

Therapist | 180 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Stress & Burnout, LGBTQ+, People who judge themselves a lot
Susan DuBay, LMFT (she/they)

Susan DuBay, LMFT (she/they)

IFS Therapist | 225 per session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Communication & Intimacy, LGBTQ+, Folks wanting to go deep in their trauma work

Virtual therapy helps overcome barriers of:



  • Online couples therapy and marriage counseling help California residents who live too far to meet in person.
  • Our professional therapists have special training in relationship therapy, trauma healing, and sex therapy. So, if you need help in one of these areas, we’re here to help. Even if you don’t have a specialist in your town.
  • Couples in long-distance relationships finally have a way to benefit from online couples therapy by meeting with a skilled couples counselor.

The Stress of Busy Lives

  • If you want to meet in person. But, you need a backup option for busy days or other logistical challenges. Now, you can hop online without missing an appointment.
  • You just can’t with traffic and parking today?  No problem.
  • Just prefer meeting with a therapist from the comfort of your own home or office?  We got you.

Health Problems

  • Living with health challenges or sicknesses that make it hard to meet face to face?  No problem.


  • The cost of therapy has sky-rocketed in some California cities and you might want a more affordable option.

Is online couples therapy and marriage counseling effective?


It’s important for us to support the needs of our clients and if getting into the office is a barrier, we want to change that.


What to expect by working with us in online couples therapy and marriage counseling:

We offer a secure video or phone platform which does not require you to download any software.

You can choose the therapist you want to work with and schedule with them through our online portal, just as you would for an in-person session.

If you would like to meet by video chat, you will need a reliable internet connection.

If you lose internet service, we can speak by phone as a backup option.


Begin Online Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling in California at Love Heal Grow!

You don’t have to stay stuck in a cycle of miscommunication. You deserve to experience a deep connection with your partner. Our caring therapists can support you reach a new place of understanding. We offer online couples therapy and marriage counseling from our Sacramento, CA-based therapy practice. You may also reach out to a therapist directly to request a 10-15 minute phone consult. To start improving your relationship today, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click here to visit our scheduling page
  2. Meet with one of our caring therapists
  3. Start reconnecting with your partner!

Read More About Our Therapy Services

Online couples therapy and marriage counseling isn’t the only service offered from our Sacramento, CA-based therapy practice. Other services offered at Love Heal Grow include online therapy, sex therapy, online sex therapy, Trauma-Focused Therapy, anxiety treatment, therapy for teensand Relationship Therapy for One.  You can also visit our fees & questions page for more information on our practice. Or, click here to visit our scheduling page. All appointments are scheduled online through the client portal. But, if you would like to speak with our intake coordinator before scheduling please leave a voicemail at 916.572.7412. Or, email hello@lovehealgrow.com.

Love Heal Grow Relationship Therapy Center Sacramento

Free Relationship Therapy Starter Pack

*How to Find a Therapist

*What to Expect in Your First Appointment

*How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

*How to talk to your boss about going to therapy during the workday

*How to seek reimbursement for therapy from your PPO plan

*Over twenty pages of relationship and life stressor tips and exercises that it would usually take 10+ therapy sessions to cover.

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